FFXIV (Overview)
- T'saya Tia
- My Red Mage WoL, and player character.
- T'oufu Nunh
- T'saya's older (half-) brother. The Condor village's current Nunh.
- T'zunmyb "Zumy" Yheta
- T'saya's older (half-) sister. The Condor village's leader.
- T'vheeza Dhavha
- T'saya's mother, a powerful wielder of Void magic.
- T'morh Tia
- T'saya and T'oufu's father, the former Nunh of the Condor village. Was bested by T'oufu a few years ago.
- T'yheta Tia
- T'zunmyb's father. He was Nunh alongside T'morh for many years, but stepped down when the village was forced to downsize after the Calamity.
- Cuore di Mysidia
- T'saya's 13th shard. He was the voidsent bound to him for most of T'saya's life.
- T'lenna
- A young Sharlayan mage-in-training. Her relation to T'saya... it's a secret!
- Bhedbia "Bhibi"
- Another secret :3
Current Rotation
T'saya Tia
- World: FFXIV
- Identity: Seeker Miqo'te – Red Mage
- Characteristics: Charismatic, highly motivated, serious
- World: FFXI
- Identity: Mithran – Monk (Warrior sub.)
- Characteristics: Ditzy, optimistic, friendly, curious
Dorian Corbeau
- World: Original (Sci-fi, "post-post-apocalyptic")
- Identity: Re-animated wandering aesthetician (think Black Jack meets Repo!, but Japanese Gothic flavor)
- Characteristics: Introverted, stoic, intelligent, burdened by nostalgia